We strive to constantly put our best work into each one of our projects. Our deep passion for the craft leads us down a path of attention to detail and a desire to improve the service we provide everyday. Take a moment to view some of our recent and significant projects.

1927 Model T

This car came to us in the beginning of 2021. Our customer had found a very rough T body that had been sitting in a scrap pile, over looked by most as a potential project. Luckily our customer was able to see the diamond in the rough and called upon our services to bring it back to life.

We wanted the car to sit low while retaining as much practicality as possible. For this we started on the model A rails with a 4” Z in the rear followed by boxing for strength. In the front we installed a 4” dropped axle and a 1” drop reverse eye spring. The T body was then channeled 4” over the A rails which was just enough to hide the frame under the body.

We opted to take 7” out of the top leaving us with 12” of overall height in the windshield. The entire lower 6” of the car had to be completely reconstructed after 100 years rust and damage took its toll. In the back we integrated frenched upside down ‘39 tail lights and a frenched plate holder as well.